Passionate about machine learning and brain science, Elahe spends her days working on enhancing myoelectric prostheses and robotic rehabilitation devices. This fellowship award will aide Elahe in her research endeavors and help her develop advanced AI solutions to improve the quality of life of individuals suffering from Neurophysiological disabilities.
Elahe received a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering from the Isfahan University of Technology in 2012, and a MASc in Electronic-Digital Systems from Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) in 2016. She is currently a second-year Ph.D. student at Concordia Institute for Information System Engineering (CIISE) in Montreal where her studies focus on machine learning and deep learning models in rehabilitation and assistive technologies under the supervision of Prof. Arash Mohammadi.
Outside of her research Elahe enjoys testing out new baking recipes in the kitchen and being out in nature.
Read more about Elahe’s work on Google Scholar.