The landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) across Canada is ever-evolving, and RBC Borealis remains committed to fostering education and innovation in this dynamic field. This year, we are thrilled to announce our participation in the 20th CIFAR Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning (DLRL) Summer School, a training program dedicated to cultivating the next generation of AI researchers and practitioners.
This year, the DLRL Summer School is presented by CIFAR and the Vector Institute in close collaboration with – Amii and, Mila – who share RBC Borealis’s goal of developing young talent in the field of AI. The program brings together graduate students, post-docs, and professionals to discuss current foundational research, explore new developments and preview real-world DLRL applications. Attendees are encouraged to network with other students and prominent leaders in the field, while learning the technical skills to become successful practitioners in machine learning.
RBC Borealis believes that AI and ML can make the world a better place. But only if we have a diversity of viewpoints, dedicated researchers and supportive ecosystems that help new researchers grow, develop and thrive. CIFAR’s Next Generation AI Initiatives – which include the DLRL Summer School and RBC Borealis’s Let's SOLVE it program – are instrumental in helping develop young talent in Canada and around the world. And RBC Borealis is proud to be involved,

Dr. Eirene Seiradaki
Director of Research Partnerships, RBC Borealis
The global reach of the DLRL Summer School makes the initiative particularly impactful. While the Summer School is a Canadian-run program, it has attracted students from 89 international institutions across Europe, Africa, Asia and North America.
This year over 150 students and companies, including RBC, a proud sponsor of DLRL, will also come together at the DLRL career mixer hosted at the MaRS Discovery District. The event is tailored to ensure attendees get as much exposure as possible to the AI and ML ecosystem, connect to key employers in the field and learn more about potential opportunities in Industry organizations.
RBC Borealis and Tech@RBC, are thrilled to be attending this event during the summer school. We are excited to set up booths where students can engage directly with our team members, learn about the ground-breaking work we are doing in AI and machine learning, and explore potential career opportunities within RBC and RBC Borealis.
The CIFAR Deep Learning + Reinforcement Learning (DLRL) Summer School brings together students, academics, and professionals to help grow and develop Canada’s AI ecosystem in a unique way. I am proud to share we are celebrating the twentieth anniversary of this world-renowned training opportunity. The continued success of this initiative wouldn’t have been possible without the support and collaboration from our diverse stakeholders. We’re grateful for RBC’s and RBC Borealis’s commitment to the ecosystem and support of CIFAR’s work to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion,

Dr. Elissa Strome
Executive Director of Pan-Canadian AI Strategy, CIFAR
The support of the DLRL Summer School program complements RBC Borealis’s own initiatives designed to encourage young talent in AI and ML, including the Let’s SOLVE it program, aimed at undergraduates, and the RBC Borealis internships, as well as RBC Borealis Fellowships and other programs aimed at supporting graduate and post-doctoral talent and research.
Want to get involved?
Applications for Let’s SOLVE it - Fall 2024 will open Aug 6, 2024 and applications will be open until Sept 8, 2024.
Learn more